mY tWIsTeD mINd

tHe tWiSTeD mINd oF dAVid pALmeR

Okay, I guess you're at this page because you'd like to know a bit about me. goes...

I was born in a coal mining village in the early 1960's in the north of England. When I was 14 I moved with my family 100 miles further north to a rural farming area. At school I was one of a group of misfits, wearing black, riding motorcycles and listening to loud music. These years included much macho pretense to hide my underlying insecurities. By the time I was in my late teens, my self destructive behaviour was out of control with more than a few lost-weekends. Eventually I slowly started to get my head together and began to find things to like about myself. I shouldn't have been surprised that others started to like me too but I was. Then one day, without warning I met my soulmate. Just before dawn, at a particularly bad party, a hot and horny seventeen year girl old walked up to me and grabbed my heart with both hands. My life had begun. We've been together now for nineteen years, married for sixteen and we have four wonderful sons.

I still have a huge problem with authority and I tend to go to extremes and listen to music far too loud. I no longer drink too much strong coffee and strong beer but I don't spend enough time with my family.

Copyright © 2000 David Palmer.